Monday, July 5, 2010

14 Days Left -- Here's Some Motivation

Sometimes, it is easy to focus only what lies directly ahead of us. Lately, I've found myself thinking about boot camp; in fact, every single day. I know for a fact these will be the most challenging weeks in my life thus far. I frequently ask myself if I even have what it takes to make it through recruit training. But when I watch some videos of different Marine Corps bands on YouTube -- and picture my future self in them -- there is no way in heck I'm going to accept failure. Failure wasn't an option with Apollo 13, and it certainly won't be an option here.

For Memorial Day, I attended an extremely moving service at Riverside National Cemetery -- where my grandpa is buried. Aside from 13 of their members being in Afghanistan, the 1st Marine Division Band was there in full force. Even though I had to sit in direct sunlight for two hours on a hot, California summer morning, it was totally worth being able to be only feet away from those outstanding Marine musicians. (I was extremely nervous that the high-definition camera I was using would over-heat; thankfully, it didn't.) After spending four years in a 200+ person, nationally-acclaimed marching band, I have to say we rarely came close to sounding as full or powerful as these 30 or so musicians. Almost as soon as the first downbeat was given, my jaw hit the deck. Absolutely stunning. What a flawless performance. Here's a couple videos I made (turn your speakers UP!!!):

How could the day have possibly gotten better? With the accompaniment of my dad (I can be shy), I went over to some of the Marines after their performance as they were getting on the bus. I started out by telling them how amazed I was by their performance. After telling them I was not far away from boot camp, I was inundated with friendly advice from their personal experiences. My family and I asked countless questions, and being the courteous gentlemen they were, they politely answered each one with sincerity -- what personable people! With every Marine I've talked to, I have always felt like they truly cared and actually appreciated talking to an inquisitive wanna-be Marine. Bar-none the nicest group of individuals I have ever met.

I can't wait to be a Marine, that's for sure. But when I see the Marine bands perform, and then get to talk to the members, I get much, much more anxious. Below is a picture is myself and a couple friends with the Enlisted Conductor for the 1st Mar Div Band. (He served in the Army, and went to Airborne school -- he is trained to jump out of planes! He also conducts and plays the bagpipes. Notice the plane in the background! EXTREMELY friendly Marine. Oh, and he's a 1st Degree Black Belt Instructor in the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program, and holds TWO college degrees. Good heavens!) Again, truly honored to be in the presence of such an outstanding group of people.

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